Friday, 27 March 2015

Friday, I am cloudy.

So it's Friday, and usually I've got some idea of what to write, this week I don't, unfortunately. A family member went to the emergency room on Tuesday night, early Wednesday their time, and since they live in another continent the updates were very few and far between. I also had some other things to deal with, so I'm just going to make a short list of places where I waste my time on the internet. I do, however, have a grand plan for next week.

Have you heard about the fabulous website Go Fug Yourself? You should, it's so much fun for people who like celebrities, dresses, royalty and shows with great wardrobes. I go for the dresses and general style stuff, the Fugs and Fabs. They have this great annual tradition called March Madness (yes named after the sporting event). Celebrities have within a year to make absolutely insane fashion choices so they can have a shot at the Fug Madness Crown. Right now, the tournament is at the sweet sixteen stage so you should go vote, contribute. The best part is the two lovely, funny and smart women who run the site.

Flavorwire is the site I visit when I want to connect with modern art, interesting lit and film. They are a great place for book recommendations. I can honestly say I've bought a few books from the  lists they've posted like this collection of short stories that I loved. I've read this book twice, and I'm usually not a repeater of books.

This should be an obvious one, The Cut.

Advanced Style holds a special place in my heart because I was always very close to my Grandmother. She passed away nearly four years ago, and I'm still missing her. The author Ari Seth Cohen takes photos of vibrant older women, who have essentially reached the epitome of dressing, thus giving them the sartorial respect they deserve. Not only are the women fun and brilliant people on their own merit but it really comes out in the photos. #RetirementGoals

Stuff Mom Never Told You if I'm listening to a podcast it's probably this one. They do a lot of research and cover fascinating topics. My favourite podcasts are always ones on Women in History. They probably have a podcast on something you're interested in.

Thanks for hanging out tonight. Have a great weekend and as always let me know what are some of your favourite sites to hang-out on.

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